Healthcare Accident Prevention

From nurses, doctors, and midwives to porters, protect your entire workforce from workplace slips and falls with our highly slip-resistant, safety and occupational range of stylish and comfortable footwear.

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Reduce Slip & Falls Accidents

Healthcare industry has the highest work injuries than other private sectors combined

All healthcare staff are likely to know the risks within their job. The industry has 90% more incidence rates in comparison to other private industries combined, reported

Prevent workplace injuries with Shoes For Crews

There are many risks that healthcare staff are exposed to daily. The most common are

Slip and fall accidents

Cuts from broken glass and shards of metal

Accidents involving machinery and equipment

Falling objects and more

Some of our Healthcare shoes

Nurses and doctors using slip-resistant and safety shoe to avoid injuries on the workplace
  • Wearing ill-fitting or inappropriate footwear
  • Working in an environment with slippery or uneven surfaces
  • Not following safety procedures or protocols, and more.

There are a variety of reasons why healthcare workers may be injured on the job. These include:

  • Working with dangerous equipment, being exposed to hazardous materials
  • Working in high-pressure environments
  • Employer negligence, such as failing to provide proper safety equipment or training
  • Employees are often on their feet for long periods of time, which can lead to fatigue and other problems

There are a few things that employers can do to help reduce the risk of foot injuries in the healthcare industry:

Firstly, they can make sure that employees have adequate rest breaks and are not on their feet for excessively long periods of time.

Additionally, they can provide employees with appropriate footwear that is comfortable and supports the feet.

Finally, employers can create a safe working environment by reducing potential hazards and ensuring that floors are clean and dry.

Workplace Injuries Impact Profitability

It is important that employers in the healthcare industry take steps to minimise the risks and ensure that staff are properly protected. Injuries in the workplace are not only extremely painful for the individual, but they can also be quite costly for the company. Direct and indirect costs include: 

  • The cost of workplace injuries can range from the cost of medical treatment to 
  • The loss of productivity while an employee is recovering, to 
  • Potential lawsuit costs if the injury is severe enough. 


Mitigation of risk and accident prevention for nurses, doctors, midwives, floor staff and other healthcare workers are the leading methods for avoiding these costs, improving safety, comfort and profitability.

Contact us Now to Get your Free Pair!*

We will help you to find suitable footwear for your healthcare staff. We will give you all the support you need to help you drive adoption within your company and achieve your safety goals with style!

*Shoes For Crews (Europe) Ltd. reserves the right to evaluate your request and your professional project before accepting your request of a free pair of shoes. Our experts will contact you to find suitable footwear for your team before sending you a free pair to try. Please note this offer is not valid for retail customers and current customers of Shoes For Crews.

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